The Outdoor Partnership has worked with Gethin Mon Thomas, to develop a strategic guidance framework:
The Outdoor Partnership – Adventure Learning Framework (TOP-ALF)
Curriculum for Wales (2020) describes a school’s curriculum as
‘Everything a learner experiences in pursuit of the four purposes.
It is not simply what we teach, but how we teach and crucially, why we teach it’.

TOP-ALF has been designed to support learners progress towards realising the four purposes and the development of integral skills. Learners progress through adventure learning reflects progress as described in the five principles of progression.
Adventure learning through outdoor and adventurous activities provides real life experiences where learning can be acquired, refined, and connected.

The intention of the framework is to support schools in their decision making and include adventure learning as an integral part of the school’s curriculum throughout the year.
TOP-ALF is designed to provide learners with an opportunity to experience a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities over an extended period.

Integral to the TOP-ALF are opportunities for learners to connect with their Cynefin.
According to Curriculum for Wales, Cynefin is defined as: “the place where we feel we belong, where the people and landscape around us are familiar, and the sights and sounds are reassuringly recognisable’’.
Exploring our Cynefin through meaningful, experiential Adventure Learning helps learners make connections with their environment, culture, and heritage. It presents opportunities for learners to understand and develop a respect for the local environment, conservation of eco-systems and develop sustainable attitudes, values and behaviours. TOP-ALF will instil confidence in the use of their Cynefin.

Built into the framework is an award system that celebrates learners progress in learning within activity areas.
Certification will be awarded at three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold with each level requiring additional commitment by the learner and school.

The Outdoor Partnership will be working with providers of adventure learning to ensure they are also working to TOP-ALF guidance. Providers will be introduced to CfW and provided with training in the practical application of TOP-ALF in offsite and residential settings.
For further information on the Adventure Learning Framework, please contact us on: